Jul 30, 2021
On Thursday’s with Sharon we welcome Meghla Bhardwaj and Margaret Jolly to discuss Sourcing from India in 2021 a very relevant subject with the current supply chain issues…Trade war, China port congestion’s, increased lead time, raw material increase, shipping and supply chain issues, many are looking to source...
Jul 28, 2021
We always hear aggregators raising huge sums of money, like todays guest Ryan Gnesin from Elevate Brands. Whom has just raised a 250m war chest to buy more Amazon businesses. But what does that actually mean, is it debt? is it equity? What are the commitments behind it to the investors and what are the benefits of going...
Jul 27, 2021
This morning I interviewed a Seller Support rep; off the record. We were going to do a full interview with no camera feed and scramble the voice but it made more sense to write up my notes and walk everyone through it. We talk about onboarding, training, time allocated for each support ticket, support frustrations...
Jul 26, 2021
Today, Tamara Popovic makes her debut and is here to discuss how she uses Amazon Attribution with Google Ads, how to optimise the set up and the shortcomings in some of the tracking at keyword level. Whilst it is not perfect, it is a great way of sending external signals to Amazon and low CPC's with very high CTR's.
Jul 22, 2021
As Shipping Price hits an all time max, raw material costs are up, lead times have doubled and amazon inventory levels keep changing without warning, the way we source products may need to change - for some.
On Thursday’s with Sharon today Sharon is riding solo to talk about how we can price our products with cashflow...